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Battle tested and trial hardened...

Abraham Lincoln stated, "Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can."  I am a firm believer in this quote.  Though I will use every legal measure to assist you with your litigation needs, my belief is that it is better to reason with your opponent on the court steps than to face the judge.  That being said, I have years of litigation experience with proven results. 

Though there is not always a winner or loser in litigation, here are a few of my "wins"...

Disclaimer:  The trial results listed below are in no way an indication of the results for your particular case.  Every case is different due to a myriad of influences.  That being said, below are some of my biggest "wins".

Bench Trial

Final judgment in the amount of $225k to major banking corporation.

Bench Trial

Contested bench trial representing a banking institution for a final judgment of $333k

Bench Trial

Obtained final judgement in the amount of $402k for a major banking institution.

Bench Trial

Contested matter in which the trial court judgment was for the opposing side, yet because of properly stated objections preserved in the trial record, the client was able to win on appeal.  So I may have lost the battle to move on to greater victories. 

Superior Court

Assisted a femmepreneur in the return of her investment regarding a business deal gone awry.  She started attempting to work things out alone through.  With the firm's help she was able to get her entire investment returned to her.  She commented that the firm was "patient, responsive and timely".


Obtained a favorable settlement for an elderly homeowner regarding reconstruction services of her home. The home was left in shambles after the a sewer incident. The remodeling company hired to complete the work on her home never finished and continued to ask for money. She was returned a fair portion of the money paid for services not rendered plus attorney's fees at the conclusion of the matter.

Superior Court

Obtained final judgment on superior court appeal from the magistrate court regarding an option contract for the sale of real estate.  The homeowner almost lost their home due to a poor deal regarding a home loan.  In the superior court appeal, the transaction was determined to be a failed closing as opposed to an eviction proceeding permitting the homeowner to buy back her home.


Obtained a settlement for the full amount permitted in magistrate court for a client whose personal income tax information was used improperly by a tax preparation business.

*This website is intended to give general information and does not give legal advice.  Appropriate legal advice depends on specific facts and circumstances and specified applicable laws.  Neither reading emails nor replying to emails is intended as giving legal advice nor establishing an attorney-client relationship.  The firm does not accept professional responsibility or liability for any matter unless, and until, there is an appropriate fee and representation agreement between the firm and the client.  The firm is licensed to give legal advice in Florida and Georgia.  The firm's attorney is also admitted to the U.S. Tax Court, the Northern District of Georgia, and the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.*. Intellectual Property and U.S. Tax Court services are federal practice areas.^

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